7/4/1919, KBL19-DBL19, Polo Grounds (N)
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1919 Knickerbockers    0  1  3  0  0  2  0  3  0     9 13  1    13  0
1919 Doubledays        0  0  1  0  3  0  1  1  0     6  8  2     4  1
Knickerbockers       AB  R  H BI   AVG    Doubledays           AB  R  H BI   AVG
Cobb              cf  6  1  1  0  .167    Hollocher         ss  2  1  0  0  .000
Jackson           lf  3  1  0  0  .000     Chapman          ss  2  0  0  0  .000
 Southworth       lf  1  1  0  0  .000    Veach             lf  2  0  0  1  .000
Heilmann          1b  4  2  2  0  .500     Jacobson         lf  2  1  2  4 1.000
Cravath           rf  5  2  3  3  .600     Meusel           lf  0  0  0  0  .000
Hornsby           ss  3  0  1  1  .333    Ruth              rf  3  0  1  0  .333
 Weaver,B         ph  2  0  2  2 1.000    Myers,H           cf  2  0  0  0  .000
Ainsmith          c   5  1  1  0  .200     Roth             cf  1  0  0  0  .000
Groh,H            3b  3  0  1  0  .333     Roush            cf  1  1  1  0 1.000
 Stock            ph  2  0  1  0  .500    Sisler            1b  3  0  1  1  .333
Collins,E         2b  1  0  0  0  .000    Schalk            c   3  0  0  0  .000
 Johnston,J       ph  2  1  1  1  .500     McCarty          c   1  0  0  0  .000
 Whitted          ph  0  0  0  0  .000    Pratt             2b  2  0  0  0  .000
Cicotte           p   1  0  0  0  .000     Coveleski        p   2  0  0  0  .000
 Toney            p   1  0  0  0  .000     Kauff            rf  0  0  0  0  .000
 Doak             p   0  0  0  0  .000    Baker,F           3b  2  1  1  0  .500
 Shocker          p   1  0  0  0  .000     Zimmerman        3b  2  1  1  0  .500
 Mays             p   1  0  0  0  .000    Quinn             p   1  0  1  0 1.000
 Adams,Ba         p   0  0  0  0  .000     Douglas          p   0  0  0  0  .000
 Bagby            p   0  0  0  0  .000     Doyle            2b  3  1  0  0  .000
                     41  9 13  7                               34  6  8  6
Knickerbockers                   INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Cicotte                          2.0  1  0  0  0  0  21  17  0.00
Toney                            2.0  2  1  1  1  0  32  21  4.50
Doak             BS 1, W 1-0     1.0  1  3  2  1  0  23  14 18.00
Shocker          H 1             1.0  1  0  0  0  0  18  11  0.00
Mays             H 1             1.0  2  1  1  0  0  18   9  9.00
Adams,Ba                         1.0  1  1  1  0  0  26  18  9.00
Bagby            S 1             1.0  0  0  0  0  0  11   8  0.00
                                 9.0  8  6  5  2  0 149  98 
Doubledays                       INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Quinn                            4.0  5  4  4  2  0  69  45  9.00
Douglas                          0.2  1  0  0  0  0  11   5  0.00
Coveleski        L 0-1           3.1  7  5  3  5  0  83  36  8.10
Ruth                             1.0  0  0  0  0  0  14   7  0.00
                                 9.0 13  9  7  7  0 177  93 
KBL: Johnston,J batted for Collins,E in the 4th
     Johnston,J moved to 2b in the 4th
     Weaver,B batted for Hornsby in the 7th
     Stock batted for Groh,H in the 7th
     Whitted batted for Johnston,J in the 7th
     Weaver,B moved to ss in the 7th
     Stock moved to 3b in the 7th
     Whitted moved to 2b in the 7th
     Southworth inserted at lf in the 7th
DBL: Jacobson inserted at lf in the 5th
     Roth inserted at cf in the 5th
     Doyle inserted at 2b in the 5th
     Chapman inserted at ss in the 7th
     McCarty inserted at c in the 7th
     Zimmerman inserted at 3b in the 7th
     Meusel inserted at lf in the 8th
     Roush inserted at cf in the 8th
     Ruth moved to p in the 9th
     Kauff inserted at rf in the 9th
E-Ainsmith, Baker,F, Zimmerman. 2B-Heilmann(1), Cravath(1), Ainsmith(1), 
Weaver,B(1), Ruth(1), Zimmerman(1). 3B-Roush(1). HR-Cravath(1), Jacobson(1). 
RBI-Cravath 3(3), Hornsby(1), Johnston,J(1), Weaver,B 2(2), Veach(1), 
Sisler(1), Jacobson 4(4). CS-Sisler. BB-Jackson, Heilmann 2, Cravath, 
Whitted 2, Southworth, Hollocher, Ruth. SF-Sisler. HBP-Doak. HB-Coveleski. 
GWRBI: Johnston,J
Temperature: 71, Sky: clear, Wind: in from left at 9 MPH.
7/4/1919, KBL19-DBL19, Polo Grounds (N)
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1919 Knickerbockers    0  1  3  0  0  2  0  3  0     9 13  1    13  0
1919 Doubledays        0  0  1  0  3  0  1  1  0     6  8  2     4  1
Knickerbockers       -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Cobb              cf 1>2/fl         S          5>Douglas      9.2-3        5/f       
Jackson           lf   7            W.1-2        63           note 1                 
 Southworth       lf                                                     8>W         
Heilmann          1b   31           W.2-3;1-2    D            S.2-3;1-2    W.1-2     
Cravath           rf 2>HR           note 2       Coveleski    8            S.2-3;1-2 
Hornsby           ss   S            note 3       7                                   
 Weaver,B         ph                                        7>S            note 4    
Ainsmith          c    8            9          6>D            7            7         
Groh,H            3b   64/f.B-1   4>S            7                                   
 Stock            ph                                          S.1-2        6/L       
Collins,E         2b   64/f                                                          
 Johnston,J       ph                8            S.2-H                               
 Whitted          ph                                          W.2-3;1-2    W         
Cicotte           p  3>7                                                             
 Toney            p                 543/gdp                                          
 Doak             p                              HBP.1-2                             
 Shocker          p                                           6                      
 Mays             p                                                        note 5    
 Adams,Ba         p                                                                  
 Bagby            p                                                                  
 1: e5.3-H;1-2;B-1  2: D.3-H;2-H;1-3  3: 3/g.3-H;2-3  4: D.3-H;2-H;1-3 
 5: e5.3-H;2-3;1-2;B-1 
Doubledays           -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Hollocher         ss 1>63           53.2-3;1-2   W.1-2                               
 Chapman          ss                                          13           53        
Veach             lf   8            note 1                                           
 Jacobson         lf                             HR.2-H;1-H   S.3-H                  
 Meusel           lf                                                                 
Ruth              rf   D            W            8            3/L                    
Myers,H           cf   3/fl         8                                                
 Roth             cf                             63                                  
 Roush            cf                                        8>Adams,Ba               
Sisler            1b 2>63         4>9          6>Shocker      8/SF.3-H               
Schalk            c    9            53           8                                   
 McCarty          c                                           8                      
Pratt             2b   63           8                                                
 Coveleski        p                              CS2(24)      63                     
 Kauff            rf                                                                 
Baker,F           3b 3>Toney      5>Doak                                             
                       S            e2.B-1                                           
 Zimmerman        3b                           7>Mays       9>Bagby                  
                                                 D            7                      
Quinn             p    S.1-2                                                         
 Douglas          p                                                                  
 Doyle            2b                16/f.B-1     8.2-3        6                      
 1: 3/g.3-H;2-3 
Knickerbockers       -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Cobb              cf   3/g                                                           
Jackson           lf                                                                 
 Southworth       lf 9>Ruth                                                          
Heilmann          1b   3/fl                                                          
Cravath           rf   63                                                            
Hornsby           ss                                                                 
 Weaver,B         ph                                                                 
Ainsmith          c                                                                  
Groh,H            3b                                                                 
 Stock            ph                                                                 
Collins,E         2b                                                                 
 Johnston,J       ph                                                                 
 Whitted          ph                                                                 
Cicotte           p                                                                  
 Toney            p                                                                  
 Doak             p                                                                  
 Shocker          p                                                                  
 Mays             p                                                                  
 Adams,Ba         p                                                                  
 Bagby            p                                                                  
Doubledays           -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Hollocher         ss                                                                 
 Chapman          ss                                                                 
Veach             lf                                                                 
 Jacobson         lf                                                                 
 Meusel           lf                                                                 
Ruth              rf                                                                 
Myers,H           cf                                                                 
 Roth             cf                                                                 
 Roush            cf                                                                 
Sisler            1b                                                                 
Schalk            c                                                                  
 McCarty          c                                                                  
Pratt             2b                                                                 
 Coveleski        p                                                                  
 Kauff            rf                                                                 
Baker,F           3b                                                                 
 Zimmerman        3b                                                                 
Quinn             p                                                                  
 Douglas          p                                                                  
 Doyle            2b                                                                 
Knickerbockers   IN OUT ER                  Doubledays       IN OUT ER                  
Cicotte          A1  A7  0                  Quinn            A1  B9  4                  
Toney            A8  B7  1                  Douglas          C1  C3  0                  
Doak             B8  C4  2 BS 1, W 1-0      Coveleski        C4  F1  3 L 0-1            
Shocker          C5  C7  0 H 1              Ruth             F2  F4  0                  
Mays             C8  D3  1 H 1                                                          
Adams,Ba         D4  D7  1                                                              
Bagby            D8  E1  0 S 1                                                          
7/4/1919, KBL19-DBL19, Polo Grounds (N)
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1919 Knickerbockers    0  1  3  0  0  2  0  3  0     9 13  1    13  0
1919 Doubledays        0  0  1  0  3  0  1  1  0     6  8  2     4  1
Score O Rnr BS  Event
----- - --- --  -----
**************  Top of the 1st inning, Knickerbockers batting
 0-0  0 --- 22  Cobb popped out to the catcher (CBFBX)
 0-0  1 --- 10  Jackson flied out to left (BX)
 0-0  2 --- 12  Heilmann grounded out to first (CSBX)
**************  Bottom of the 1st inning, Doubledays batting
 0-0  0 --- 01  Hollocher grounded out to short (FX)
 0-0  1 --- 32  Veach flied out to center (CCBBBFFFFX)
 0-0  2 --- 10  Ruth lined a double down the left field line (BX)
 0-0  2 -2- 02  Myers,H popped out to first (CFFX)
**************  Top of the 2nd inning, Knickerbockers batting
 0-0  0 --- 02  Cravath homered deep down the left-field line (FCX)
 1-0  0 --- 22  Hornsby grounded a single up the middle (CFFBBFX)
 1-0  0 1-- 11  Ainsmith lined out to center (1BCX)
 1-0  1 1-- 32  Groh,H grounded to short, forcing Hornsby at second, 
                  Groh,H to first (1CSBBBX)
 1-0  2 1-- 11  Collins,E grounded to short, forcing Groh,H at second 
**************  Bottom of the 2nd inning, Doubledays batting
 1-0  0 --- 00  Sisler grounded out to short (X)
 1-0  1 --- 00  Schalk flied out to right (X)
 1-0  2 --- 00  Pratt grounded out to short (X)
**************  Top of the 3rd inning, Knickerbockers batting
 1-0  0 --- 00  Cicotte flied out to left (X)
 1-0  1 --- 00  Cobb lined a single to shallow center (X)
 1-0  1 1-- 32  Jackson walked, Cobb to second (11CFBFFFBFBFB)
 1-0  1 12- 31  Heilmann walked, Cobb to third, Jackson to second (BCBBB)
 1-0  1 123 01  Cravath doubled deep to right center, Cobb scored, 
                  Jackson scored, Heilmann to third (CX)
 3-0  1 -23 00  Hornsby grounded out to first, Heilmann scored, Cravath 
                  to third (X)
 4-0  2 --3 00  Ainsmith lined out to right (X)
**************  Bottom of the 3rd inning, Doubledays batting
                Toney now pitching
 4-0  0 --- 22  Baker,F lined a single to shallow left (BBFFFX)
 4-0  0 1-- 11  Quinn lined a single to shallow left, Baker,F to second 
 4-0  0 12- 22  Hollocher grounded out to third, Baker,F to third, Quinn 
                  to second (CBFBX)
 4-0  1 -23 01  Veach grounded out to first, Baker,F scored, Quinn to 
                  third (FX)
 4-1  2 --3 31  Ruth walked (BBBSB)
 4-1  2 1-3 11  Myers,H flied out to center (BFX)
**************  Top of the 4th inning, Knickerbockers batting
 4-1  0 --- 12  Groh,H lined a single up the middle (FCFBX)
                Johnston,J pinch hitting for Collins,E
 4-1  0 1-- 21  Johnston,J popped out to center (BbBSX)
 4-1  1 1-- 22  Toney grounded into a double play, Baker,F to Pratt to 
                  Sisler (CbFBBX)
**************  Bottom of the 4th inning, Doubledays batting
                Johnston,J moved to second base
 4-1  0 --- 01  Sisler flied out to right (FX)
 4-1  1 --- 01  Schalk grounded out to third (FX)
 4-1  2 --- 12  Pratt flied out to center (BFCX)
**************  Top of the 5th inning, Knickerbockers batting
                Jacobson now playing left field
                Roth now playing center field
                Douglas now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 20  Cobb grounded out to first (BBX)
 4-1  1 --- 21  Jackson grounded out to short (CBBX)
 4-1  2 --- 21  Heilmann doubled deep to left center (BBFX)
                Doyle now playing second base
                Coveleski now pitching
 4-1  2 -2- 30  Cravath was walked intentionally (IIII)
 4-1  2 12- 12  Hornsby flied out to left (CBCX)
**************  Bottom of the 5th inning, Doubledays batting
                Doak now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 21  Baker,F to first on an error by the catcher Ainsmith 
 4-1  0 1-- 01  Doyle grounded to the mound, forcing Baker,F at second, 
                  Doyle to first (FX)
 4-1  1 1-- 32  Hollocher walked, Doyle to second (BCBFBB)
 4-1  1 12- 00  Jacobson homered deep to left, Doyle scored, Hollocher 
                  scored (X)
 4-4  1 --- 32  Ruth flied out to center (BBCFFBX)
 4-4  2 --- 02  Roth grounded out to short (FFX)
**************  Top of the 6th inning, Knickerbockers batting
 4-4  0 --- 00  Ainsmith lined a double to right center (X)
 4-4  0 -2- 01  Groh,H lined out to left (FbX)
 4-4  1 -2- 22  Johnston,J lined a single to shallow center, Ainsmith 
                  scored (CBFBX)
 5-4  1 1-- 32  Doak was hit by a pitch, Johnston,J to second (FbBbSbFBBH)
 5-4  1 12- 20  Cobb flied out to right, Johnston,J to third (BBX)
 5-4  2 1-3 01  Johnston,J scored, Doak to second, Jackson to first on an 
                  error by the third baseman Baker,F (CX)
 6-4  2 12- 10  Heilmann reached on an infield single to second, Doak to 
                  third, Jackson to second (BX)
 6-4  2 123 10  Cravath flied out to center (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 6th inning, Doubledays batting
                Shocker now pitching
 6-4  0 --- 22  Sisler grounded a single between third and short (CFBFBFX)
 6-4  0 1-- 22  Schalk flied out to center (BFBFX)
 6-4  1 1-- 00  Sisler was caught stealing second (>B)
 6-4  2 --- 32  Coveleski popped out to short (>B.CBBFX)
**************  Top of the 7th inning, Knickerbockers batting
                Chapman now playing shortstop
                McCarty now playing catcher
                Zimmerman now playing third base
                Weaver,B pinch hitting for Hornsby
 6-4  0 --- 00  Weaver,B grounded a single up the middle (X)
 6-4  0 1-- 32  Ainsmith lined out to left (BBCBCX)
                Stock pinch hitting for Groh,H
 6-4  1 1-- 21  Stock lined a single up the middle, Weaver,B to second 
                Whitted pinch hitting for Johnston,J
 6-4  1 12- 30  Whitted walked, Weaver,B to third, Stock to second (BBBB)
 6-4  1 123 10  Shocker popped out to short (BX)
 6-4  2 123 10  Cobb grounded to third, forcing Stock at third (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 7th inning, Doubledays batting
                Weaver,B moved to shortstop
                Stock moved to third base
                Whitted moved to second base
                Mays now pitching
                Southworth now playing left field
 6-4  0 --- 31  Zimmerman doubled to left (CBBBX)
 6-4  0 -2- 11  Doyle flied out to center, Zimmerman to third (BCX)
 6-4  1 --3 20  Chapman grounded out to the mound (BBX)
 6-4  2 --3 00  Jacobson lined a single to shallow left, Zimmerman scored 
 6-5  2 1-- 32  Ruth lined out to first (BFFBB>X)
**************  Top of the 8th inning, Knickerbockers batting
                Meusel now playing left field
                Roush now playing center field
 6-5  0 --- 31  Southworth walked (BBCBB)
 6-5  0 1-- 30  Heilmann walked, Southworth to second (BBBB)
 6-5  0 12- 21  Cravath lined a single to shallow left, Southworth to 
                  third, Heilmann to second (BbBCX)
 6-5  0 123 10  Weaver,B grounded a double down the first base line, 
                  Southworth scored, Heilmann scored, Cravath to third 
 8-5  0 -23 20  Ainsmith flied out to left (BBX)
 8-5  1 -23 30  Stock lined out to short (BBBX)
 8-5  2 -23 30  Whitted walked (BBBB)
 8-5  2 123 32  Cravath scored, Weaver,B to third, Whitted to second, 
                  Mays to first on an error by the third baseman 
                  Zimmerman (BBBCF>X)
 9-5  2 123 21  Cobb grounded out to first (BCBX)
**************  Bottom of the 8th inning, Doubledays batting
                Adams,Ba now pitching
 9-5  0 --- 12  Roush tripled deep to right center (CFBX)
 9-5  0 --3 12  Sisler hit a sacrifice fly to center, Roush scored (CFFBX)
 9-6  1 --- 32  McCarty flied out to center (BBCBCX)
 9-6  2 --- 32  Coveleski grounded out to short (BCBSFFBFFFX)
**************  Top of the 9th inning, Knickerbockers batting
                Ruth moved to pitcher
                Kauff now playing right field
 9-6  0 --- 10  Southworth flied out to left (BX)
 9-6  1 --- 32  Heilmann popped out to first (BBCFBX)
 9-6  2 --- 32  Cravath grounded out to short (CBBBCX)
**************  Bottom of the 9th inning, Doubledays batting
                Bagby now pitching
 9-6  0 --- 22  Zimmerman flied out to left (BFFBX)
 9-6  1 --- 02  Doyle popped out to short (FFX)
 9-6  2 --- 11  Chapman grounded out to third (FBX)
7/4/1919, KBL19-DBL19, Polo Grounds (N)
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1919 Knickerbockers    0  1  3  0  0  2  0  3  0     9 13  1    13  0
1919 Doubledays        0  0  1  0  3  0  1  1  0     6  8  2     4  1
Knickerbockers       AB  R  H BI   AVG    Doubledays           AB  R  H BI   AVG
Cobb              cf  6  1  1  0  .167    Hollocher         ss  2  1  0  0  .000
Jackson           lf  3  1  0  0  .000     Chapman          ss  2  0  0  0  .000
 Southworth       lf  1  1  0  0  .000    Veach             lf  2  0  0  1  .000
Heilmann          1b  4  2  2  0  .500     Jacobson         lf  2  1  2  4 1.000
Cravath           rf  5  2  3  3  .600     Meusel           lf  0  0  0  0  .000
Hornsby           ss  3  0  1  1  .333    Ruth              rf  3  0  1  0  .333
 Weaver,B         ph  2  0  2  2 1.000    Myers,H           cf  2  0  0  0  .000
Ainsmith          c   5  1  1  0  .200     Roth             cf  1  0  0  0  .000
Groh,H            3b  3  0  1  0  .333     Roush            cf  1  1  1  0 1.000
 Stock            ph  2  0  1  0  .500    Sisler            1b  3  0  1  1  .333
Collins,E         2b  1  0  0  0  .000    Schalk            c   3  0  0  0  .000
 Johnston,J       ph  2  1  1  1  .500     McCarty          c   1  0  0  0  .000
 Whitted          ph  0  0  0  0  .000    Pratt             2b  2  0  0  0  .000
Cicotte           p   1  0  0  0  .000     Coveleski        p   2  0  0  0  .000
 Toney            p   1  0  0  0  .000     Kauff            rf  0  0  0  0  .000
 Doak             p   0  0  0  0  .000    Baker,F           3b  2  1  1  0  .500
 Shocker          p   1  0  0  0  .000     Zimmerman        3b  2  1  1  0  .500
 Mays             p   1  0  0  0  .000    Quinn             p   1  0  1  0 1.000
 Adams,Ba         p   0  0  0  0  .000     Douglas          p   0  0  0  0  .000
 Bagby            p   0  0  0  0  .000     Doyle            2b  3  1  0  0  .000
                     41  9 13  7                               34  6  8  6
Knickerbockers                   INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Cicotte                          2.0  1  0  0  0  0  21  17  0.00
Toney                            2.0  2  1  1  1  0  32  21  4.50
Doak             BS 1, W 1-0     1.0  1  3  2  1  0  23  14 18.00
Shocker          H 1             1.0  1  0  0  0  0  18  11  0.00
Mays             H 1             1.0  2  1  1  0  0  18   9  9.00
Adams,Ba                         1.0  1  1  1  0  0  26  18  9.00
Bagby            S 1             1.0  0  0  0  0  0  11   8  0.00
                                 9.0  8  6  5  2  0 149  98 
Doubledays                       INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Quinn                            4.0  5  4  4  2  0  69  45  9.00
Douglas                          0.2  1  0  0  0  0  11   5  0.00
Coveleski        L 0-1           3.1  7  5  3  5  0  83  36  8.10
Ruth                             1.0  0  0  0  0  0  14   7  0.00
                                 9.0 13  9  7  7  0 177  93 
KBL: Johnston,J batted for Collins,E in the 4th
     Johnston,J moved to 2b in the 4th
     Weaver,B batted for Hornsby in the 7th
     Stock batted for Groh,H in the 7th
     Whitted batted for Johnston,J in the 7th
     Weaver,B moved to ss in the 7th
     Stock moved to 3b in the 7th
     Whitted moved to 2b in the 7th
     Southworth inserted at lf in the 7th
DBL: Jacobson inserted at lf in the 5th
     Roth inserted at cf in the 5th
     Doyle inserted at 2b in the 5th
     Chapman inserted at ss in the 7th
     McCarty inserted at c in the 7th
     Zimmerman inserted at 3b in the 7th
     Meusel inserted at lf in the 8th
     Roush inserted at cf in the 8th
     Ruth moved to p in the 9th
     Kauff inserted at rf in the 9th
E-Ainsmith, Baker,F, Zimmerman. 2B-Heilmann(1), Cravath(1), Ainsmith(1), 
Weaver,B(1), Ruth(1), Zimmerman(1). 3B-Roush(1). HR-Cravath(1), Jacobson(1). 
RBI-Cravath 3(3), Hornsby(1), Johnston,J(1), Weaver,B 2(2), Veach(1), 
Sisler(1), Jacobson 4(4). CS-Sisler. BB-Jackson, Heilmann 2, Cravath, 
Whitted 2, Southworth, Hollocher, Ruth. SF-Sisler. HBP-Doak. HB-Coveleski. 
GWRBI: Johnston,J
Temperature: 71, Sky: clear, Wind: in from left at 9 MPH.
7/4/1919, KBL19-DBL19, Polo Grounds (N)
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1919 Knickerbockers    0  1  3  0  0  2  0  3  0     9 13  1    13  0
1919 Doubledays        0  0  1  0  3  0  1  1  0     6  8  2     4  1
Knickerbockers       -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Cobb              cf 1>2/fl         S          5>Douglas      9.2-3        5/f       
Jackson           lf   7            W.1-2        63           note 1                 
 Southworth       lf                                                     8>W         
Heilmann          1b   31           W.2-3;1-2    D            S.2-3;1-2    W.1-2     
Cravath           rf 2>HR           note 2       Coveleski    8            S.2-3;1-2 
Hornsby           ss   S            note 3       7                                   
 Weaver,B         ph                                        7>S            note 4    
Ainsmith          c    8            9          6>D            7            7         
Groh,H            3b   64/f.B-1   4>S            7                                   
 Stock            ph                                          S.1-2        6/L       
Collins,E         2b   64/f                                                          
 Johnston,J       ph                8            S.2-H                               
 Whitted          ph                                          W.2-3;1-2    W         
Cicotte           p  3>7                                                             
 Toney            p                 543/gdp                                          
 Doak             p                              HBP.1-2                             
 Shocker          p                                           6                      
 Mays             p                                                        note 5    
 Adams,Ba         p                                                                  
 Bagby            p                                                                  
 1: e5.3-H;1-2;B-1  2: D.3-H;2-H;1-3  3: 3/g.3-H;2-3  4: D.3-H;2-H;1-3 
 5: e5.3-H;2-3;1-2;B-1 
Doubledays           -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Hollocher         ss 1>63           53.2-3;1-2   W.1-2                               
 Chapman          ss                                          13           53        
Veach             lf   8            note 1                                           
 Jacobson         lf                             HR.2-H;1-H   S.3-H                  
 Meusel           lf                                                                 
Ruth              rf   D            W            8            3/L                    
Myers,H           cf   3/fl         8                                                
 Roth             cf                             63                                  
 Roush            cf                                        8>Adams,Ba               
Sisler            1b 2>63         4>9          6>Shocker      8/SF.3-H               
Schalk            c    9            53           8                                   
 McCarty          c                                           8                      
Pratt             2b   63           8                                                
 Coveleski        p                              CS2(24)      63                     
 Kauff            rf                                                                 
Baker,F           3b 3>Toney      5>Doak                                             
                       S            e2.B-1                                           
 Zimmerman        3b                           7>Mays       9>Bagby                  
                                                 D            7                      
Quinn             p    S.1-2                                                         
 Douglas          p                                                                  
 Doyle            2b                16/f.B-1     8.2-3        6                      
 1: 3/g.3-H;2-3 
Knickerbockers       -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Cobb              cf   3/g                                                           
Jackson           lf                                                                 
 Southworth       lf 9>Ruth                                                          
Heilmann          1b   3/fl                                                          
Cravath           rf   63                                                            
Hornsby           ss                                                                 
 Weaver,B         ph                                                                 
Ainsmith          c                                                                  
Groh,H            3b                                                                 
 Stock            ph                                                                 
Collins,E         2b                                                                 
 Johnston,J       ph                                                                 
 Whitted          ph                                                                 
Cicotte           p                                                                  
 Toney            p                                                                  
 Doak             p                                                                  
 Shocker          p                                                                  
 Mays             p                                                                  
 Adams,Ba         p                                                                  
 Bagby            p                                                                  
Doubledays           -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Hollocher         ss                                                                 
 Chapman          ss                                                                 
Veach             lf                                                                 
 Jacobson         lf                                                                 
 Meusel           lf                                                                 
Ruth              rf                                                                 
Myers,H           cf                                                                 
 Roth             cf                                                                 
 Roush            cf                                                                 
Sisler            1b                                                                 
Schalk            c                                                                  
 McCarty          c                                                                  
Pratt             2b                                                                 
 Coveleski        p                                                                  
 Kauff            rf                                                                 
Baker,F           3b                                                                 
 Zimmerman        3b                                                                 
Quinn             p                                                                  
 Douglas          p                                                                  
 Doyle            2b                                                                 
Knickerbockers   IN OUT ER                  Doubledays       IN OUT ER                  
Cicotte          A1  A7  0                  Quinn            A1  B9  4                  
Toney            A8  B7  1                  Douglas          C1  C3  0                  
Doak             B8  C4  2 BS 1, W 1-0      Coveleski        C4  F1  3 L 0-1            
Shocker          C5  C7  0 H 1              Ruth             F2  F4  0                  
Mays             C8  D3  1 H 1                                                          
Adams,Ba         D4  D7  1                                                              
Bagby            D8  E1  0 S 1                                                          
7/4/1919, KBL19-DBL19, Polo Grounds (N)
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9     R  H  E   LOB DP
1919 Knickerbockers    0  1  3  0  0  2  0  3  0     9 13  1    13  0
1919 Doubledays        0  0  1  0  3  0  1  1  0     6  8  2     4  1
Score O Rnr BS  Event
----- - --- --  -----
**************  Top of the 1st inning, Knickerbockers batting
 0-0  0 --- 22  Cobb popped out to the catcher (CBFBX)
 0-0  1 --- 10  Jackson flied out to left (BX)
 0-0  2 --- 12  Heilmann grounded out to first (CSBX)
**************  Bottom of the 1st inning, Doubledays batting
 0-0  0 --- 01  Hollocher grounded out to short (FX)
 0-0  1 --- 32  Veach flied out to center (CCBBBFFFFX)
 0-0  2 --- 10  Ruth lined a double down the left field line (BX)
 0-0  2 -2- 02  Myers,H popped out to first (CFFX)
**************  Top of the 2nd inning, Knickerbockers batting
 0-0  0 --- 02  Cravath homered deep down the left-field line (FCX)
 1-0  0 --- 22  Hornsby grounded a single up the middle (CFFBBFX)
 1-0  0 1-- 11  Ainsmith lined out to center (1BCX)
 1-0  1 1-- 32  Groh,H grounded to short, forcing Hornsby at second, 
                  Groh,H to first (1CSBBBX)
 1-0  2 1-- 11  Collins,E grounded to short, forcing Groh,H at second 
**************  Bottom of the 2nd inning, Doubledays batting
 1-0  0 --- 00  Sisler grounded out to short (X)
 1-0  1 --- 00  Schalk flied out to right (X)
 1-0  2 --- 00  Pratt grounded out to short (X)
**************  Top of the 3rd inning, Knickerbockers batting
 1-0  0 --- 00  Cicotte flied out to left (X)
 1-0  1 --- 00  Cobb lined a single to shallow center (X)
 1-0  1 1-- 32  Jackson walked, Cobb to second (11CFBFFFBFBFB)
 1-0  1 12- 31  Heilmann walked, Cobb to third, Jackson to second (BCBBB)
 1-0  1 123 01  Cravath doubled deep to right center, Cobb scored, 
                  Jackson scored, Heilmann to third (CX)
 3-0  1 -23 00  Hornsby grounded out to first, Heilmann scored, Cravath 
                  to third (X)
 4-0  2 --3 00  Ainsmith lined out to right (X)
**************  Bottom of the 3rd inning, Doubledays batting
                Toney now pitching
 4-0  0 --- 22  Baker,F lined a single to shallow left (BBFFFX)
 4-0  0 1-- 11  Quinn lined a single to shallow left, Baker,F to second 
 4-0  0 12- 22  Hollocher grounded out to third, Baker,F to third, Quinn 
                  to second (CBFBX)
 4-0  1 -23 01  Veach grounded out to first, Baker,F scored, Quinn to 
                  third (FX)
 4-1  2 --3 31  Ruth walked (BBBSB)
 4-1  2 1-3 11  Myers,H flied out to center (BFX)
**************  Top of the 4th inning, Knickerbockers batting
 4-1  0 --- 12  Groh,H lined a single up the middle (FCFBX)
                Johnston,J pinch hitting for Collins,E
 4-1  0 1-- 21  Johnston,J popped out to center (BbBSX)
 4-1  1 1-- 22  Toney grounded into a double play, Baker,F to Pratt to 
                  Sisler (CbFBBX)
**************  Bottom of the 4th inning, Doubledays batting
                Johnston,J moved to second base
 4-1  0 --- 01  Sisler flied out to right (FX)
 4-1  1 --- 01  Schalk grounded out to third (FX)
 4-1  2 --- 12  Pratt flied out to center (BFCX)
**************  Top of the 5th inning, Knickerbockers batting
                Jacobson now playing left field
                Roth now playing center field
                Douglas now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 20  Cobb grounded out to first (BBX)
 4-1  1 --- 21  Jackson grounded out to short (CBBX)
 4-1  2 --- 21  Heilmann doubled deep to left center (BBFX)
                Doyle now playing second base
                Coveleski now pitching
 4-1  2 -2- 30  Cravath was walked intentionally (IIII)
 4-1  2 12- 12  Hornsby flied out to left (CBCX)
**************  Bottom of the 5th inning, Doubledays batting
                Doak now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 21  Baker,F to first on an error by the catcher Ainsmith 
 4-1  0 1-- 01  Doyle grounded to the mound, forcing Baker,F at second, 
                  Doyle to first (FX)
 4-1  1 1-- 32  Hollocher walked, Doyle to second (BCBFBB)
 4-1  1 12- 00  Jacobson homered deep to left, Doyle scored, Hollocher 
                  scored (X)
 4-4  1 --- 32  Ruth flied out to center (BBCFFBX)
 4-4  2 --- 02  Roth grounded out to short (FFX)
**************  Top of the 6th inning, Knickerbockers batting
 4-4  0 --- 00  Ainsmith lined a double to right center (X)
 4-4  0 -2- 01  Groh,H lined out to left (FbX)
 4-4  1 -2- 22  Johnston,J lined a single to shallow center, Ainsmith 
                  scored (CBFBX)
 5-4  1 1-- 32  Doak was hit by a pitch, Johnston,J to second (FbBbSbFBBH)
 5-4  1 12- 20  Cobb flied out to right, Johnston,J to third (BBX)
 5-4  2 1-3 01  Johnston,J scored, Doak to second, Jackson to first on an 
                  error by the third baseman Baker,F (CX)
 6-4  2 12- 10  Heilmann reached on an infield single to second, Doak to 
                  third, Jackson to second (BX)
 6-4  2 123 10  Cravath flied out to center (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 6th inning, Doubledays batting
                Shocker now pitching
 6-4  0 --- 22  Sisler grounded a single between third and short (CFBFBFX)
 6-4  0 1-- 22  Schalk flied out to center (BFBFX)
 6-4  1 1-- 00  Sisler was caught stealing second (>B)
 6-4  2 --- 32  Coveleski popped out to short (>B.CBBFX)
**************  Top of the 7th inning, Knickerbockers batting
                Chapman now playing shortstop
                McCarty now playing catcher
                Zimmerman now playing third base
                Weaver,B pinch hitting for Hornsby
 6-4  0 --- 00  Weaver,B grounded a single up the middle (X)
 6-4  0 1-- 32  Ainsmith lined out to left (BBCBCX)
                Stock pinch hitting for Groh,H
 6-4  1 1-- 21  Stock lined a single up the middle, Weaver,B to second 
                Whitted pinch hitting for Johnston,J
 6-4  1 12- 30  Whitted walked, Weaver,B to third, Stock to second (BBBB)
 6-4  1 123 10  Shocker popped out to short (BX)
 6-4  2 123 10  Cobb grounded to third, forcing Stock at third (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 7th inning, Doubledays batting
                Weaver,B moved to shortstop
                Stock moved to third base
                Whitted moved to second base
                Mays now pitching
                Southworth now playing left field
 6-4  0 --- 31  Zimmerman doubled to left (CBBBX)
 6-4  0 -2- 11  Doyle flied out to center, Zimmerman to third (BCX)
 6-4  1 --3 20  Chapman grounded out to the mound (BBX)
 6-4  2 --3 00  Jacobson lined a single to shallow left, Zimmerman scored 
 6-5  2 1-- 32  Ruth lined out to first (BFFBB>X)
**************  Top of the 8th inning, Knickerbockers batting
                Meusel now playing left field
                Roush now playing center field
 6-5  0 --- 31  Southworth walked (BBCBB)
 6-5  0 1-- 30  Heilmann walked, Southworth to second (BBBB)
 6-5  0 12- 21  Cravath lined a single to shallow left, Southworth to 
                  third, Heilmann to second (BbBCX)
 6-5  0 123 10  Weaver,B grounded a double down the first base line, 
                  Southworth scored, Heilmann scored, Cravath to third 
 8-5  0 -23 20  Ainsmith flied out to left (BBX)
 8-5  1 -23 30  Stock lined out to short (BBBX)
 8-5  2 -23 30  Whitted walked (BBBB)
 8-5  2 123 32  Cravath scored, Weaver,B to third, Whitted to second, 
                  Mays to first on an error by the third baseman 
                  Zimmerman (BBBCF>X)
 9-5  2 123 21  Cobb grounded out to first (BCBX)
**************  Bottom of the 8th inning, Doubledays batting
                Adams,Ba now pitching
 9-5  0 --- 12  Roush tripled deep to right center (CFBX)
 9-5  0 --3 12  Sisler hit a sacrifice fly to center, Roush scored (CFFBX)
 9-6  1 --- 32  McCarty flied out to center (BBCBCX)
 9-6  2 --- 32  Coveleski grounded out to short (BCBSFFBFFFX)
**************  Top of the 9th inning, Knickerbockers batting
                Ruth moved to pitcher
                Kauff now playing right field
 9-6  0 --- 10  Southworth flied out to left (BX)
 9-6  1 --- 32  Heilmann popped out to first (BBCFBX)
 9-6  2 --- 32  Cravath grounded out to short (CBBBCX)
**************  Bottom of the 9th inning, Doubledays batting
                Bagby now pitching
 9-6  0 --- 22  Zimmerman flied out to left (BFFBX)
 9-6  1 --- 02  Doyle popped out to short (FFX)
 9-6  2 --- 11  Chapman grounded out to third (FBX)